bopp tape leader in the field - Shite Pu will debut "The Fifth China International Exhibition label tape with" _ _ Domestic News News News _ _
Shite Pu bopp tape as a leader in the field, already has 50 years of history. In 2008 they established the major Asian production and processing factory with regional headquarters in Changshu City, Jiangsu Province, which is located in North Carolina branch of Shurtape Xi Kerui Corporation. Shite Pu in China, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Peru and the United Arab Emirates respectively, with production and slitting factory. Shite Pu as the design, development and manufacture of pressure-sensitive bopp tape expert, the main idea is: bopp tape helps users to better perform their jobs. Only in the case where the user to do a better job, the organization's network everyone, including employees, dealers, customers will benefit. Since
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