Xi'an Tydrillbits Co.,Ltd is one of the most famous China 12 1/2" hybrid pdc and rolling cone bits manufacturers,Website:http://www.tydrillbits.com, welcome to wholesale cheap 12 1/2" hybrid pdc and rolling cone bits from our factory. This is a kind of combined with the advantages of
rock bit and PDC bit drilling bit.New products, new technology, wide
range of bit, made in China high cost performance.Product specificationSize(inch)Blade No.& Cone No.PDC qualityApplication8 1/22 cones and 2 bladesimport the High quality PDCIADC9 1/22 cones and 2 bladesIADC12 1/23 cones and 3bladesIADC17 1/23 cones and 3bladesIADC