If you are going to consult the information about 1187594-09-7 from one of the leading 1187594-09-7 manufacturers and suppliers in China,Website:http://www.biopharmaleader.net, Biopharmaleader Co.,Ltd is always at your service.Product InformationCAS NO.1187594-09-7 Product NameBaricitinibSynonymsINCB028050;LY3009104FormulaC16H17N7O2SMolecular Weight371.41Spec / Purity98%minSupply CapacityDetailsBaricitinib (INCB28050, LY3009104) is an oral JAK1 and JAK2 inhibitor. Baricitinib is in Phase III development as a potential treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. It is in Phase II development as a potential treatment for psoriasis and diabetic nephropathy. The related compound in JAK inhibitor is Tofacitinib, currently approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in the United States.