XBOX 360 Liteon Drive, replacement DVD Drive for your xbox360, the best solution for your faulty DVD Drive. - www bischeng com
Installation warning:
These drives are not just a pull the old one out and put the new one in solution, there are procedures to extract a key from the old drives bios file, and then the need to imbed this key into the new drives firmware file. This is a procedure that should only be performed if you're already experienced in flashing 360 drives. If you dont have any experience with flashing, you will have to buy the drive and take it to someone that knows how to flash and repair Xbox 360 consoles. Also note that if your drive is just having problems reading discs, you might be able to get away with just a laser replacement. This requires a soldering iron, but is much easier then installing a new drive, changing drives in a 360 is basically a last resort as a repair option.
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