It is a steroid that leads to increased lean muscle mass, reduction in fat levels, and increased aggression. The steroid has all these effects and it does not pose the risk of causing gynecomastia. Halotestin is a steroid that must be used in a very controlled way in order to benefit from it. The steroid is not suitable for all kinds of people especially those that take steroid for aesthetic reasons. The steroid is taken orally and it is absorbed through the stomach lining. Once the steroid has passed into the system and done its bidding, it is expelled from the body.
The steroid is not converted into estrogen unlike many other steroids because of its altered chemical structure. This makes it suitable for use by men who do not want their breasts to enlarge as a result of excessive female hormones. One of the effects of the steroid that makes it preferable by many people is that it increases aggression which improves a person's competitive drive. It is used by many people who engage in competitive activities such as sports. The aggression also causes a person to have additional need for physical exercise and this leads to increased lean muscle mass.