Such companies are very understanding of the Chinese market or a better understanding of their purchase in China with more or less experience, hope to buy in China, quality and cheap product. They tend to shop around, high outrageous prices are likely to be eliminated. Such buyers do not necessarily choose the lowest price of that purchase, but will take the lowest price to find him that service the most, China Purchasing Agent.
Good suppliers, hope they accept the price. So when they give them quotes, we must give them a whole image, let him believe that you provide not only the right price, there are good quality and service. c. have the desire to buy in China, but the lack of experience of small and medium enterprises. Such companies are often the subject of the current situation, foreign trade companies focus on services. First of all they are often not responsible for procurement in China, can not invest too much energy, the customer's needs are often diversified, a factory's products often can not meet their needs, which requires foreign trade companies to take up the task of integrating domestic factories, Meet guest needs. d. have not considered purchasing in China, there is no procurement experience. The potential for this development seems to be small, but not all. I have several customers is never considered in the procurement of China, received my sales letter when the hand just a new project, the way to me to see, we move faster reported the price, send samples, Because the first cooperation is very smooth, smooth far beyond their imagination, the establishment of a trade relationship. This type of customer, I think that Europe and the United States and Australia and other developed countries are more likely, relatively speaking, these areas simple folk customs. For small and medium-sized trading companies, bcd three types of customers are likely to become our customers. But for the B-type customers, to specialist price advantage, some of the more domestic factories and other trading companies are your competitors, for C-type customers, you can boldly develop, provide quality services, and they establish a mutual trust relationship. If you have spare capacity, you can consider the development of the fourth tired customers. This type of customer is characterized by the Chinese market do not understand, but also inadvertently to find other Chinese suppliers to compare prices, as long as your price is reasonable, guests will accept, there is no price on the trouble, but must provide the best Quality and service, so that you become their most reliable supplier.
Good suppliers, hope they accept the price. So when they give them quotes, we must give them a whole image, let him believe that you provide not only the right price, there are good quality and service. c. have the desire to buy in China, but the lack of experience of small and medium enterprises. Such companies are often the subject of the current situation, foreign trade companies focus on services. First of all they are often not responsible for procurement in China, can not invest too much energy, the customer's needs are often diversified, a factory's products often can not meet their needs, which requires foreign trade companies to take up the task of integrating domestic factories, Meet guest needs. d. have not considered purchasing in China, there is no procurement experience. The potential for this development seems to be small, but not all. I have several customers is never considered in the procurement of China, received my sales letter when the hand just a new project, the way to me to see, we move faster reported the price, send samples, Because the first cooperation is very smooth, smooth far beyond their imagination, the establishment of a trade relationship. This type of customer, I think that Europe and the United States and Australia and other developed countries are more likely, relatively speaking, these areas simple folk customs. For small and medium-sized trading companies, bcd three types of customers are likely to become our customers. But for the B-type customers, to specialist price advantage, some of the more domestic factories and other trading companies are your competitors, for C-type customers, you can boldly develop, provide quality services, and they establish a mutual trust relationship. If you have spare capacity, you can consider the development of the fourth tired customers. This type of customer is characterized by the Chinese market do not understand, but also inadvertently to find other Chinese suppliers to compare prices, as long as your price is reasonable, guests will accept, there is no price on the trouble, but must provide the best Quality and service, so that you become their most reliable supplier.