Qian Ka (Wuhan) Mdt InfoTech Ltdis a company with
Popular Index financial platform,Expo
nential FinanceandFinancial index as the main business. We are committed to providing quality service of Financial index institution. Qian Ka (Wuhan) Mdt InfoTech Ltdwas established in 10 years ago, As a company with a high sense of social responsibility, Qian Kahas established a high reputation for superior quality and expertise in Index trading platformx1ec1d6enfield
Qian Ka (Wuhan) Mdt InfoTech Ltdis committed to the co
ntinuous improvement of thefinancial serviceservice, become a society, customers, shareholders and employees long-term trust of the company. Our Company adhering to pirit of for the sake of customers, and win-win with customers , and through Qian Ka staff co
ntinuous innovation and development to provide first-class Exchange operating video after sale,Internatio
nal Index the level of service,Index financial institutions the development of the situation,Promising future Financial index for enterprises , is what we have been working for. Details:CFD financial index - index financial platformThe historical difference co
ntract of CFD finance appeared in 1970s and became a relatively mainstream trading variety in 2000. CFD appeared in the form of swap, which was mainly focused on trading between banks and large institutions in 80s. In 1999, it was formally traded in the overseas retail market, and the British CFD differential co
ntract was introduced in Britain in 2000. The Unicorn UNY is also a differential co
ntract trading platform.The price difference co
ntract was initially a tool to effectively avoid the risk of securities in the large institutions, and it has become a common investment tool for global retail investors.More and more retail customers use the difference co
ntract CFD as part of the trading portfolio as an alternative to physical transactions. The investors who use the difference co
ntract CFD to trade include the frequent traders and the long-term investors who are looking for a more flexible trading tool that can replace the financing financial index.CFD financial index trading advantage:CFD allows you to deal with the "price" of the market.Trading CFD is not a shareholder, and the price of CFD will change synchro
nously with the price of the standard CFD.Calculation method editingNumber of available co
ntract days = (margin ratio / loan interest rate or deposit and loan margin) *365 daysOf course, this reaso
nable term here refers to the margin of a single contract, not all the margin in the margin account.
With the rapid development of business simultaneously, Qian Ka always keeps the balance between external opportunities and internal management, attaching great im
portance to the training and shaping of core competitiveness. The company will take customer service value as the core competitiveness of enterprises. Adhering to spirit of enterprise:acting with integrity , pursuit of excellence, respect for the individual , Qian Kastrives to provide customers with Well - known Internatio
nal Index. More details in the Qian Kaofficial website: en.etiunycorn.com