Our company was founded in 2018-11-20 and till now have many years in focus on processing Craft Gifts.The production volume can reach thousands of per year. we are exporting to ,, , and other countries.x3617f5en
Our development needs your co
nfidence and support.Changsha Mingxuan Jewelry Co., Ltd.. will always adhere to the principle of trust, worthy and innovative, pursuing excellence and co
ntinue doing our best as before to provide high standard products and satisfactory services for customers. Product Name: Craft Gifts Product Type: Product Function: Business Scope: Main Markets: Western Europe Product l
inks: www.tiftohiu-jewelry.com/products.aspx?TypeId=71&FId=t3:71:3 Production Address:
To let inspection data be coordinate with internatio
nal value, Changsha Mingxuan Jewelry Co., Ltd.. has invested greatly in the purchase of advanced, precise Craft Gifts equipment and measuring devices in order to produce higher quality and added-value products, including Jewelry, Earrings, Necklace. To learn more a
bout the companys services, please call the hotline:, or visit our official website:www.tiftohiu-jewelry.com