Our company was founded in 2009-02-16 and till now have many years in focus on processing thermal printer.The production volume can reach thousands of per year. we are exporting to ,, , and other countries.x3e0735en<br/><br/> <div style="text-align:center;"><img style='display:block;margin: 0 auto;max-height: 334px;max-width: 550px;' src="http://www.chinaexporter.com/skin/20008/image/lazy.gif" class="lazy" original="http://images.paiming.net/images/upload/20190819/20190819173328_4398.jpg" /></div>Shenzhen ZCS Technology Co.,Ltd. was founded in 2009-02-16. The company produces agricultural machines,like pos system,mobile pos, tablet pc. Product Name: thermal printer Product Type: Product Function: Business Scope: Main Markets: East Asia,Central and South Asia,Africa Product links: www.szzcs.com/products.aspx?TypeId=68&FId=t3:68:3 Production Address:<br/><br/> To let inspection data be coordinate with international value, Shenzhen ZCS Technology Co.,Ltd. has invested greatly in the purchase of advanced, precise thermal printer equipment and measuring devices in order to produce higher quality and added-value products, including pos system, mobile pos, tablet pc. To learn more about the companys services, please call the hotline:, or visit our official website:www.szzcs.com<div style="text-align:center;"><img style='display:block;margin: 0 auto;max-height: 334px;max-width: 550px;' src="http://www.chinaexporter.com/skin/20008/image/lazy.gif" class="lazy" original="http://images.paiming.net/images/upload/20190819/20190819173333_1429.jpg" /></div>