Temperature range: -65~+125°C
Relative Humidity: 95% at +40°C
Atmospheric pressure: 86-106kPa, Low pressure 4.4kPa
Shock: 735m/s2
Vibration: 10~3000Hz, 294m/s2
Liner Acceleration: 980m/s2
Stochastic Shock: 20(m/s2) 2 /Hz, 169.1m/s2
Contact arrangement: 2 Form C (DPDT)
Coil Voltage: 5~36VDC
Coil dissipation: 0.54W
Insulation resistance: 10000Mohms
Dielectric withstanding voltage (RMS/50Hz):
Between contacts and case: 750V; Between contacts and coil: 750V
Between coil and case: 500V; Between open contacts: 500V
Contact resistance: 0.05ohms
Operate time: 4ms
Release time: 4ms
Contact ratings: 1A28VDC (Resistive) ; 2A28VDC ( Resistive) ; 8A28VDC (Resistive)
Electrical life: 1A28VDC (Resistive): 1x105 Operations; 2A28VDC (Resistive): 5 x104 Operations;
8A28VDC (Resistive) : 1000 Operations (Transient State)
Leakage rate: 1 x 10-3 Pa.cm3 /s
Failure rate Class: L Class: 3%/104
Dimensions: 15.5 x 8.2 x 8.2mm
Weight: 4.8g
Approved by standards:GJB65B-1999
Ordering Information:
JRC-200M/ 012 L - 0 3
1 2 3 4 5
1. Model
2. Part No.(Coil Voltage)
3. Failurrerate Class
4. Mounting Type
5. Terminals