China non woven bags manufacturer,suppliers,custom made cheap personalized non woven bags…..problem-solving type of search methods, in this event, there is no core faculty caught early childhood intestinal problems opening activity, so the problem is not making increasingly deepening comment. In fact, prior to this event between teachers and students can use the comment "how good bags" This topic is open, let the children go through this topic to know some green auto symbols and materials. If the time children have a new problem, it can also invite children to open a new comment. In asking the children "recycling symbol", the children do not have to hurry and come together under what conclusion, I can ask children to collect plastic bags with this symbol, to let them in this process, I understand the difficulty of collecting time, then found during the secret that environmental protection has not been our real focus. At this point, the instructor can use the material collected the children themselves, using the experience of the child is automatically obtained through communication activities associated with the arrangement, so that children I have summarized.