china drawstring bags manufacturers cjeap personalized drawstring bags wholesale custom made in china suppliers manufacturers… for this product, this is the most basic. Then, the packaging design is to be able to make the product better circulation in the circulation areas, in order to achieve sales. At this intense social competition environment, packaging becomes more important. A successful packaging design can occupy a good advantage in the competition. However, in the design of the packaging because it can not be excessive landscaping products, packaging and makes basic sense of loss. Packaging is the beginning of the first to be able to function well to protect the product, then this product is for landscaping. In the selection of materials for product packaging, they must be careful, so as not to damage the product value and use value. Packaging design for a product is very important, whether it is design or other other food packaging packaging design, in the design must take it seriously. For product packaging design, in order to highlight the characteristics of the product packaging use, but also targeted humanized design for packaging, plastic production factory recommended to consider the following two main aspects: First, the information aspects of a) easily recognizable logo. User-friendly design product packaging design, there should be prominent eye-catching logo recognition, such as the product name, category and origin and other information, so that consumers can understand the product through the packaging, not only by opening the package, see the product in order to understand the product . 2) easy to understand instructions, icons. Whatever the product, the packaging needs through a brief