china drawstring bags manufacturers cjeap personalized drawstring bags wholesale custom made in china suppliers manufacturers….. nitric acid and contacts generated nitrocellulose fat, which is later widely nitrocellulose . Cybertron found nitrocellulose plasticity, and, use it to create something out also impervious. His interesting to use it to create some beautiful bowl, cups, bottles and teapots. He admired his own these masterpieces, but also specifically wrote to his friend the famous scientist Faraday this windfall. It was unfortunate that Faraday did not care, until the emergence of a photographer. Photographer Alexander Parkes has many hobbies, photography is one of them. In the 19th century, people do not like today can buy ready-made photographic film and chemicals, must often produce their own what they need. So every photographer must also be a chemist. One of the materials used in photography is "collodion", which is a "nitro cotton" solution, i.e. a solution of cellulose nitrate in alcohol and ether. When it is stuck to the photosensitive chemicals on the glass, similar to today to create the equivalent of photographic film. In the 1850s, Parks looked at different ways to deal with collodion. One day, he tried to glue cotton mixed with camphor. His surprise, produced a hard bendable material mixed. Parkes said the