relationship. Using the method described: stickers pasted racket care, first want to paste the position thoroughly clean; then start from the racket of the 1 o'clock or 2 o'clock position, along the racket along the stick to the 11 o'clock or 10 o'clock position, range protection racket protector usually not more than 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock; then paste extrusion nursing care along racket frame, allowed tight integration with retaining frame; Also to note is that when pasting stickers care, take care to completely cover the box, because the box set up care is often the most vulnerable parts of the "injury" of the site. Dynamic Library Mall: dku51tennis ball Channel: dku51 / wangqiu.htmltennis ball shot: dku51 / list-215.htmltennis ball bag: dku51 / list-74.htmltennis ball line: dku51 / list-73.html
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