detail parameters
Machine type: BD - 588
Spray printing precision: 300 dpi
Spray print fonts: computer fonts (entity, lattice)
Spray print graphics: can spray all sorts of trademark design, graphic transmission is not affected by width ratio and the length of any restrictions
Spray print barcode: international one dimensional, two dimensional barcode, regulatory codes
Level of bar code: grade A or grade B (depending on the material
Spray printing height: 18 mm - 72 mm
Spray printing unit: 4 (which can realize the seamless connection spurts India)
Spray printing software: special printing software
Spray print range: 5 mm to 10 mm (spray nozzle to the object distance)
Database: Excel, Accesss, Csv, TXT, jet, etc
Automatic spray printing: database, batch number, date, time, class and serial number, etc
Store information: computer capacity decision, basic unlimited
Message length: each message spurts India 250 characters
Spray printing speed: up to 40 m/min, spray printing effect is determined by the material
Ink color: black, red, white, blue, etc
application industry
BD - 588 is suitable for metal, plastic, wood, aluminum, cartons and a variety of materials such as building materials industry.Detection of QR code, the QR code anti-counterfeiting, QR code against the list of goods, veterinary drug QR code trace has a unique solution;
inkjet printer supplier